Giving up in his life pretty easy, actually, you did awful things in your past and live with it and drag you down until you got nowhere to go but to consume yourself in hatred in despair. You can’t blame your past for the things you did or the things you’re dealing with during the present, it’s you who should be blame, because people always has a choice on what road he has to take.
Danny Trejo, also known as the “Knife Guy”, who always appeared on several western, run-down types of movies including Desperado, has inspired many of the people for the things they did in the past. Christian Magazines love Danny because of the inspiration he send to everyone. When Danny Trejo was till a teenager, he was a thug who committed criminal acts and abused himself in drugs. From there, he was going in and out of the prison and then he eventually changed inside the penitentiary and made his life better.
He doesnt say Jesus saved him. And he produces his ow beer.. Tell me, Did you do your research before writing this misleading article? Evidently not.
ReplyDeleteJust because he doesn't mention Jesus in this particular article doesn't disqualify him from being a Christian. He does give all praise to Jesus Christ in other interviews. As for making beer, Martin Luther's wife was a beer master. Google how Martin Luther changed beer. Maybe you should do some more research before you try to tear down somebody that has rededicated his life and is active in helping the youth overcome their addictions.
DeleteUm this article should not be taken seriously most of the stuff is misspelled.
DeleteI think his article is very well written and spelling has nothing to do with it you idit. Read between the line maybe he didn't proof read it because it came directly from his soul. Maybe you don't have one you are judging him by the little mistake, I do that all the time when I type fast so patty don't ever write anything again keep your 2 cents to yourself. He deserves respect for all that he's been through. He inspired me because iam going through some stuff and he got it dead on. No one is perfect but God .i am your a peice of shit person and you need to do 11 yrs hard time. I appreciate his words 🙏 ❤ thank you Danny. Iam 39 yrs old and had to grow up fast i raised two children while my husband was in an out of prison i was 16 when I got married iv been though some bad times it wasn't at all easy to stay in school and not drop out i had no help really but I stayed in school spent 9th and 10 grade and a pregnancy school then went to Hemet high where I graduated with my class 2000. Its a long story too long to tell but my life tuned upside down and I was alone with 2 babys that are grown up now and have absolutely no respect for all my hard work so they could have a good life .got into an abusive marriage to someone eles and my kids were taken away . Because I went to jail after he dragged me by my hand out my daughters room and pushed me down hard on the floor of the house that I worked so hard to get on my own .I told my daughter to call the cops. And because of my past count 3 battery charge the cop judged me also because he told the officer I was bipolar which I am. It was horrible to get out of jail and my kids were scared to be there with him my daughter was 16 yrs old and my husband at the time was a bad person so they when to my moms and CPS took them away .iv never fully recovered. And iam still in pain from my past.